RSU Rector Aigars Pētersons will head the Association of Latvian Universities

27 June 2019 – A change of management took place in the Association of Latvian Universities (LUA) – in the next two years, it will be led by Aigars Pētersons, rector and academician of Riga Stradiņš University. Previously LUA was headed by Leonids Ribickis, rector and academician of Riga Technical University. 

The change of the management of the LUA took place by the association’s statute–the association’s chairman changes every two years—consequently, the term of office of A. Pētersons will be until June 2021.

Irēna Kokina, rector and professor of Daugavpils University, was elected deputy chairman of the board of the LUA. Artūrs Zeps, the vice-rector for the strategic development of Riga Technical University, will continue to perform his duties as the executive director of the LUA.

The Association was established in 2009 with the purpose of coordinating the activities of universities and collaborating on important issues, thus promoting the development of higher education and science and strengthening university-level education in Latvia.

The Association unites Daugavpils University, the University of Latvia, the Latvian University of Agriculture, Liepaja University, Riga Stradiņš University, and Riga Technical University.

Additional information:
Artūrs Zeps,
executive director of the LUA, vice-rector for the strategic development of RTU
Phone: 26566442